Sunday, January 3, 2010


Kip took this picture of me today. I hate it. Even my nose looks fat. I think I will keep it close by though and look at it when I am wanting to eat something that is not healthy. We did get off track during the holidays, we have a hard time sticking to a healthy eating plan when we are traveling. I think we did better than in previous years though, I didn't bake as much and we didn't attend as many parties. I cleaned out the refrigerator yesterday and will go the the store tomorrow. Tomorrow is weigh in day too so we can see how much damage we really did. 


  1. Gina, thanks for stopping by my WL blog. I am so glad that you let me know about your blog and we can be there for support for each other. Good for you for cleaning out your fridge. That is why I wanted to start as soon after Christmas as I could so I didn't finish eating all the leftover goodies. I normally hate throwing that stuff out and always said "when this is gone, I'll start my diet." You are off to a good start.

  2. I forgot to mention...Mama Mia is soooo much fun. I saw it when it came here a couple of years ago and I think we stood the whole time. You will enjoy it.

  3. I have a matching Pic. But don't forget this is just on loan, the inside is what counts, so on those days that don't go as planned, we all have them, you still rock!!!:)

  4. girl dont be hard on yourself we all cant be a size 2 just think about being healthy im rooting for you maybe i should join you in this .so much better losing with someone.Hugs


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