Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beef Stew

I know I have been sharing a lot of canning recipes lately, but it is that time of year! I have been watching the weekly grocery store ads to see what meats are on sale and then trying to combine those sale items with in season items to plan my canning projects. I have a couple of goals in mind with this plan one of which is lowering my overall food costs. The other goal is to have a pantry full of foods that that have the convenience of processed foods, but that are better for me.

I love soups and like to have several kinds on hand. I have even been known to occasionally eat soup even for breakfast. Beef stew is a favorite and when I got my pressure cooker last fall, this was one of the first recipes I looked for. This recipe came from the Ball Book.

Lots of vegetables to chop:

I ended up with a 21 jars of soup, mostly pints, and a few quarts. I have found that the pint jars are perfect for single servings and are perfect to grab for lunches (or breakfasts) while the quarts make a great quick dinner for the both of us. I will serve with some homemade bread for a hearty dinner.


  1. I love cornbread with my beef stew.

  2. gorgeous reading your blog you make me smile...Bren


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