Monday, January 9, 2012


I had slacked off on my exercise and knew I need to get back on track. Not an excuse, but the holidays throw my schedule into a tailspin. I know I could have, and should have, still made time for the exercise, but I didn't. I have been moving a little more over the past week, but this was my first day back at the Y since before Christmas. The elliptical machines I like to use were all being used so I decided to jump on the Arc Trainer. I may not be able to walk tomorrow! 

I am also back to logging my food on a regular basis. I like doing it on my phone for several reasons. I always have my phone with me so there is no excuse to not log. Another reason is that the math is done for me. I can simply log that I ate 1/2 of blueberries and it adds it in, I don't have to go look somewhere else to find the calories. Since the math is done as soon as I log food or exercise, I can see where I stand at any given time in the day. 

Any tips you use that help keep you accountable?

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